Life on Wheels
Duncan, Vancouver Island
Street Outreach
Moving Forward in Hope, Faith and Love
A bit of our focus....

Life on Wheels is focused on solving the addiction problem. It takes much courage, leadership, communication and love to engage with these needy and traumatized people. We do not pressure people, we always ask if they want help to detox and go to rehab, immediate help to meet practical needs, prayer, or a Bible to connect them with God's love. We have seen violence, overdose and murder increase in the Cowichan Valley over the past almost two years. The Duncan area has become more crowded with homelessness and addiction, bringing crime and violence with it. This is a trend that will most likely worsen over the next few years.
Drop by or book an appointment

Our location:
We are located on the railroad tracks, Island Corridor property, between Duncan Avenue and Canada Avenue, in front of Service B. C. - with a Green For Life Metal Storage Container and our Pop Up Tent.
We are open to receive street people Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 12.00 pm - 3.00 pm.